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Bunda, Persiapkan Ini Sebelum Bepergian dengan Bayi

Traveling with a baby is certainly not as simple as when you are traveling only with your partner. Many things must be considered, ranging from baby equipment to food. Here are a few things to note so that traveling with a baby remains safe and enjoyable. Not a few parents who think that traveling with a baby is a difficult thing to do. Many parents who have not been too hurried feel scared, when they have to travel with Little. Though this experience can be very fun. Come on, consider the following brief guide, to prepare for traveling with a baby.

Pay Attention to the Right Age for Babies to Travel

Babies in good health can actually be taken away for a few days after birth. Some airlines allow babies to fly, at least 2 days from birth. Even so, generally after the baby is 3 months old then said to be ready to travel. Because, the baby is stronger, though still at home in a sling and sleeping in the arms of the Mother. During the trip, objects that parents need to carry to meet the needs of Little One, include:
  • Change of clothes
  • Diapers, wet wipes and towels
  • A bag containing the necessary medicines
  • Pillows and toys
  • Additional snacks
  • Breast milk pumps, milk bottles and sterile milk containers
  • Formula milk
  • Diaper rash cream
  • Folding mat or perak.
It is important to ensure that both Mother and baby are in good condition and fit before traveling. Avoid activities that make you tired, and get enough sleep. This is important, especially for nursing mothers so that breast milk remains smooth.

Tips to Make Babies Comfortable During the Trip

Some ways that can be done so that the baby is always comfortable when taken away, namely:
  • Cover the baby during the trip. Babies can also wear vests or nightgowns that are comfortable, compared to trousers or tight pants.
  • If you take it by car, be sure to have a special baby seat in the car or carseat that is comfortable, safe and properly installed.
  • Put baby gear in one box, such as diapers, washcloths, pants and others. This can make it easier for Mother to look for it.
  • If the baby is less comfortable falling asleep on a stroller or stroller, you can carry her in front of your body with a sling shaped like a backpack.
  • Bring a fan that can be operated with batteries and can be held. This can help the baby feel more comfortable, and make it easier for Mother.
  • Bring warm boiled water in a small thermos or a bottle in a bag, if your child needs to drink in difficult conditions to suckle.
  • If the baby has consumed complementary foods (MPASI), bring food in a container. Giving her favorite foods can help babies be calmer.
  • Never smoke when you are in a car with a baby. Cigarette smoke is very dangerous especially if you are in a closed room like a car.
  • Arrange the atmosphere of the room where you stay later as comfortable as possible. For example, by providing a place for babies to play or sleep with a few toys.
So, no need to be confused anymore when you are going to take your little one traveling. What is important, Mother has prepared the necessary equipment, and make sure the Little One is in good health. If necessary, ensure the readiness of your child's condition to travel, in consultation with the pediatrician.
