Traveling with a baby is certainly not as simple as when you are traveling only with your partner. Many things must be considered, ranging from baby equipment to food. Here are a few things to note so that traveling with a baby remains safe and enjoyable. Not a few parents who think that traveling with a baby is a difficult thing to do. Many parents who have not been too hurried feel scared, when they have to travel with Little. Though this experience can be very fun. Come on, consider the following brief guide, to prepare for traveling with a baby. Pay Attention to the Right Age for Babies to Travel Babies in good health can actually be taken away for a few days after birth. Some airlines allow babies to fly, at least 2 days from birth. Even so, generally after the baby is 3 months old then said to be ready to travel. Because, the baby is stronger, though still at home in a sling and sleeping in the arms of the Mother. During the trip, objects that parents need to carry to mee...